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Shelly Thomas and Glen Bailey have been together for over 15 years. The couple have always wanted to start a business but could never decide on the type. After several long talks the two decided to put their skills together and create Thomas-Bailey Clean And Care. With Shelly's home health aid experience and loving personality, alongside, Glen's handy work, plumbing experience, and can do attitude, a business was bound to be born. 


The goal of this business is to help others. We understand cleaning and taking care of an elder can be tough, especially when doing the two alone. We will always be there to you to help clean up after parties, get ready to sell your home, or get ready for inspection; and will never abandon you when it comes to giving you a break from your elder, having a party, or just switching up the environment for both of you. We promise to work to our full potential at all times and to get all task done the way they are supposed to be or better. If you are not satisfied with our work or believe it was done incorrectly we will redo it for free. 

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